Our Team

Brian Hudson, UPF Project Lead (volunteer)
After a career as a world class sportsman in the 90's, Brian started his own business (Performance Telecom) which rose to a £3.5m turnover and 30 staff at its peak. Brians own experience with the family courts has led to him creating the United Parenting Federation project in harmony with Split the Difference CIC. Brian is currently leading the UPF project as a volunteer. You can follow Brian on Twitter @brianhudson3333

Sally-Anne Burris, CEO Split the Difference CIC
Sally-Anne's focus now is 'Split the Difference campaign', lots of reasons why, mostly because she finds inequality abhorrent and believes that we cant ask for equality for women, without asking for the men we share the world with to also have equality. After almost five years of international research the campaign asks that the UN Member States review their policies, governance and strategies to either include men & boys or be gender neutral. Whats right is right...
Lots of history, lots of different education, three therapist qualifications, business management, audit, early stage teaching qualification and now just finished a journalist degree.