Enterprise & Industry Leaders

We Need You
If this issue has never affected you personally, it has probably affected your workforce. Family law involvement is the single greatest risk factor to the mental health well being of your team. In a large workforce, particularly if male dominated, as many as 5% of your team who are parents with dependant children can be derailed each year, this is a substantial risk to your enterprise. In a smaller business, the risk is so great it can and does lead to total collapse of businesses where the affected team member is a key player. We need your help with our campaign, to reach your team and for you to understand scale of the threat posed by family law and The Child Maintenance Service
Ways you can help

Work Place Safety Net
The psychological impact of family law, and extreme tactics by The Child Maintenance Service, can derail even the most resilient people, how your business responds to employees in that situation may literally be the difference between life and death.

Lobby Government
If you dont speak out, government family law policies will continue to derail as many as 5% of your workforce every year, many of them will be senior leaders, with high levels of responsibility, which can be enough to completely derail an entire business in some cases. Write to
Secretary of State for Business
Minister for Business
using these templates.
Help Us Reach Your Workforce & Customers
You'll probably never know who in your workforce, or their close circle, is going through this now, or has been in the past. Please make sure they know we are here.

Help Us With Funding
There are many ways to help us achieve our campaigning goals and in the meantime support those falling victim to family law and the child maintenance service, these can be both tax efficient and generate good will fro your enterprise, complete the enquiry form to find out more

Help Us With Resources
Your business may be well placed to help us with resources that help to further our goals and support those in need, fill out the enquiry form below to fnd out more

Make UPF Your Chosen Charity
Considering a workplace fundraiser? Fill out the enquiry form to find out about choosing one of our partners as your nominated charity.