Supporting Alienated Parents & Their Loved Ones
Life as an alienated parent can be particularly brutal, especially during the course of family court litigation, and so those who are affected are high risk, and therefore not only need ongoing support but also to feel that they belong and can maintain a sense of purpose. For affected parents and their support network, UPF and its federated partners will become an invaluable resource for peer support and professional grade information and resources to help them navigate one of the most challenging periods of their lives, and recover their best selves during that journey.
We know that we are losing a very high number of affected parents to suicide each year, and many multiples on top are experiencing severe stress and anxiety while receiving little to no support within the statutory services that they turn to. UPF and its federated partners must fill this void, and provide a safety net where government and statutory services continue to fail to do so.
Support for Alienated Parents
Support for Alienated Dads
Support for Alienated Mums
Support for Alienated Grandparents
Child Maintenance Service Group
Family Court Advice Group
Cafcass Advice Group
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